Tips For Dealing With A Work Slump

Even people who love their jobs experience a slump from time to time. It’s not uncommon and fortunately, it’s something you can fix. It’s easy to blame your manager, co-workers, company culture or industry for your feelings, but taking personal responsibility for your slump and taking action puts you in control and increases overall motivation. Here are a few tips to put that slump behind you:

  • Determine why you’re struggling: Are you bored with your project and know that it’s short term? Problems with your boss or colleagues? Or would you rather be working in another field? Start with the basics and spend some time getting to know what is causing the slump.
  • Identify what matters to you: We discussed this in our previous article on Finding and Doing What Makes You Happy, but think about what interests and values you place above everything else. Is your current job supporting them?
  • Focus on what’s working and going well: When you’re in a slump, it can be easy to focus on what’s going wrong. Take a few minutes each day to think about what went “right” and what you’re grateful for. It can improve your health and overall life too!
  • Stop comparing yourself to everyone else: Step away from social media and stop obsessing over who just received a promotion. Social comparison is a huge barrier to overall happiness and motivation. Redirect your attention to your own standards of accomplishment and happiness.

Interested in creating personal or career development goals that can lead to a happier, more fulfilling work life? Please call Leah M. Joppy and Associates at 301-670-0051 or email us at to discuss your organization’s needs.