Teleworking: Report To Congress

In a report to the Congress on the status of telework in the Federal Government, efforts to promote telework were reported. As a rule, agencies are tasked with promoting telework efforts. Each agency has the opportunity to select from a list of efforts, as well as to detail the specific nature of these efforts. You can see below that emphasizing telework as a part of COOP is the most commonly selected option. Many agencies also made use of agency-wide techniques such as emails and meeting to advocate for telework. See below for more information.


Agency Management Efforts to Promote Telework in 2011 and 2012**
In what ways has your agency’s management promoted your telework program No. of agencies in 2011 No. of agencies in 2012
Aligns telework with agency strategic goals and mission 35 41
Advocates telework in agency-wide meetings (e.g., all-hands meetings) 45 46
Uses telework goal-setting and measurement hold managers accountable 12 15
Emphasizes telework as part of COOP (Continuity of Operations Plan) events 66 68
Conducts special telework events (e.g., telework awareness weeks, telework drills) 26 32
Transmits agency-wide emails of support 40 43
Develops signs/posters 13 16
Other 25 32
Our agency has not taken action to specifically promote telework in the past year 10 9

 ** This information was taken from the United States Office of Personnel Management Report on the “Status of Telework in the Federal Government.”