Tip: How to Build Self-Confidence

Businessman holding wooden cubes in the palm of his hand with thThere are many things you can do to build self-confidence. Here are some of the most effective ones. Keep in contact with us this month on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter as we provide more information on building a confident team.

  • Start by making a positive list. Write down your strengths, achievements and things you admire about yourself. For some, talking to a friend or colleague will help you to create a better list.
  • Take care of yourself. Eating right, exercising and making time for ourselves – these are all activities that make us feel positive.
  • Look to others for inspiration. Get involved with something – a group, a sport, a charitable organization.
  • Avoid downers. Have you ever been around people who are not happy unless they’re complaining? Whatever it is that makes you feel down also makes you feel bad about yourself.
  • Keep in mind that perfection is impossible. It actually keeps us from taking action. Instead, focus on progress.
  • Take risks. Do something you haven’t tried before. You never know what will happen until you try, and then you learn.
  • Finally, stop dwelling on it! We all do this. We’ve had a bad day and on the ride home that’s all we can think about. In fact, we think about it so much that it becomes all consuming. Learn to drop it. You can’t change what happened, so go forward.

If you need help with individual or team coaching or developing a peer-to-peer or executive coaching program, give us a call at 301-670-0051.