Why Is It So Hard to Keep Our Goals?

You start out motivated, enthusiastic, and with the best intentions. You’ve identified a goal (or two) and this time it’s going to be different. This time, you’re REALLY going to put in the work, see it through, and accomplish your goal once and for all. And then “things” start to get in the way, like time, finances, and life. All those good intentions are replaced with excuses and, before you know it, that goal you set out to achieve with such gusto seems impossible to accomplish.

No matter what goal you’re trying to reach – career, financial, health, or relationship – there are some common reasons why you’re throwing in the towel and accomplishing it. Several of them are listed below:

  1. Waiting to take action until you feel “ready.” If you’re waiting for the stars to be aligned and everything to be perfect, you may be waiting a long time.
  2. Putting your goals off until “someday.” So many of us “someday” ourselves right out of what we want to accomplish in life.
  3. Not making your goal a priority. Saying you want to make a change is one thing. Putting in the work to make it happen is quite another.
  4. Viewing mistakes as failure. People often think that a step backwards means it’s time to put on the breaks. But progress rarely comes in a straight line.
  5. Giving up before you see results. Results don’t always fall in line within the timeframe you imagined. Impatience can be big hurdle to change.
  6. Neglecting to anticipate the tough times and hurdles. Change isn’t easy and some days are harder than others. This can be a challenging lesson to learn.
  7. Falling victim to the “fear of success.” Yes, this is really a thing. Some people don’t always feel that they deserve or are worthy of success and can sabotage their progress.

When these fears and thoughts come up, a lot of people immediately see them as a stop sign and think it’s time to call it quits. But this time it can be different. By identifying the various roadblocks, you can view them as part of the process. You can face them, process them, and even welcome them. Best of all, you can overcome them and make 2019 the year you finally accomplish your goal(s). Leah M. Joppy and Associates can help. Call us at 301-670-0051 or email us at leah@lmja.com to discuss your needs.