How Can You Work In A Dysfunctional Environment?

Navigating a toxic workplace takes a strategy! Whether your organization is becoming dysfunctional, or you started a new job and found yourself in an uncomfortable environment, there are things you can do to cope with the situation.

  1. Focus on what you do. Don’t get involved with the gossip. Don’t take sides. Instead, look at your job as independently as possible and do your best.
  2. Find friends you can trust. No matter what the situation, it helps to discuss problems. And if you are all doing your best for the organization, you can hold each other accountable for the work being done.
  3. Stay away from your toxic co-workers. Set yourself apart from the problem. Even if you act as an advocate to someone who is part of the problem, you become part of it yourself. Have the conviction to keep your distance.
  4. Work in a vacuum. While this is the opposite of what we really should be doing, if you tune out the problematic behaviors surrounding you, you are better off.
  5. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Set an example for those around you and excel in your job.
  6. Make a decision. If all else fails, if you’ve tried to change the environment and you don’t see any progress, you may have to change jobs. It’s not something we want to do, but sometimes, for our own health, it’s a decision we have to make.