Six Things You Can Do To Be More Positive

New mindset new results motivational phrase signThese tips won’t cost you a dime. And they’re easy, so time is no excuse!

  1. Purposefully Breathe. Long breaths in, long breaths out. Repeat them 5 times.
  2. Turn off your phone. Maybe just for an hour. Watch how much you get done!
  3. Reward yourself. A hot bath, a walk at lunchtime, music while you cook dinner, 10 pages of your favorite book – all of these ideas will bring a calmness to your life.
  4. Choose a word every day that lightens the mood and brings soothing thoughts. Beach. Snow. Faith. Peace. Whatever the word is, take time during your day to consciously think about it for a minute or two.
  5. Get up, walk around, roll your shoulders. The simple act of pushing yourself away from your desk and computer will relax you and make you think differently.
  6. Thank someone. At home or at work, giving a sincere thanks to someone not only lightens that person’s day, but yours also.