The Importance of Passion In Your Work

When it comes to your career, it’s important to ask yourself the question, “what lights me up?”. Not every waking moment at work is going to be ideal and we all know there will be good days and bad days. But do you feel an overall enthusiasm for your job even when times are tough? There is a positive impact of loving what you do and a negative impact when you feel like your career is out of whack. Passion for your career not only makes the many hours you spend at work more enjoyable, but it also helps you do your job better. Why is passion such an important component? Here are some of the benefits:

  • Your have more energy for your job – and your life
  • You feel more confident
  • You’re less likely to “hit a wall” and can sustain your momentum
  • Persistence against obstacles is easier to handle
  • You enjoy the rest of your life more

For many people, when it comes to work, passion doesn’t even begin to enter into the realm of things. But it should and there are so many benefits, not only in increased productivity and work quality, but enjoyment outside the office. How can we help you put more passion and enthusiasm into your workplace? Please call Leah M. Joppy and Associates at 301-670-0051 or email us at and let’s discuss a strategy.